Friday, October 29, 2010

Kindergarten News
November 1-5, 2010

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy idea
Help your child understand how books work. As you read, point to words to show left to right, spaces between words, and word patterns.


Happy November! Thanks again for sharing your wonderful children with me. We have a super group and each child is progressing and contributing to our class. Please remember to fill out and send the October reading calendar back to school by Friday, November 5th. Reading is such a great way to help your child be successful in school.

Please continue to ask your child often to tell you what sound each letter makes. We will finish up the letters and sounds of each of the alphabet in two weeks. This is a great accomplishment for these little ones. Thanks for your help at home! The sight words we have learned are: me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the, on, at.

Reflections are due on November 3rd. The theme is “Together We Can”. Refer to the flyer that is stapled to your child’s homework packet.

Green Ribbon Week is scheduled for November 5-12. Saturday, Nov. 6th is Family Fitness day at the SUU PE building from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students will be given a green bracelet at school and if they wear their bracelets they will get in free. Family members will get in at a reduced price. Your student will also bring home a pledge sheet for the walk-a-thon taking place at the school during their PE time. All donations will need to be returned to the school by Monday, Nov. 25th for a prize.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Kindergarten News
October 25-29, 2010

Weekly Theme:


Remember our reading goal is 15 minutes a night/five nights a week. Please read to your child and have him/her read to you. This is so important! Thanks for all you do!


This week we will be doing some Halloween activities and reviewing the concepts we have learned since school started. We will have a classroom Halloween party on Friday. Please do not have your child wear a costume on that day. If you signed up to bring something, a note will come home on Tuesday, Oct. 26 in your child’s homework folder. You can send the items any time by Friday. THANK YOU!

Please make sure your children have their name on their coats and jackets that they bring to school. This will help so we do not lose them or have any mix-ups.

Remember this is Red Ribbon Week. Please refer to the flyer that was sent home a few days ago for the daily activities/dress ups you may choose to have your child participate in. Thank you PTA for sponsoring this! Also, the PTA will be sponsoring Green Ribbon Week from Nov. 5-12, which emphasizes healthy lifestyles. A flyer is coming home with more information about it in your child’s homework packet on Tuesday. Don’t forget about the Reflections contest—the theme is “Together We Can”. Further information is available in the office.

A parent training meeting will be offered on Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:30 PM at Iron Springs Elementary. Sharon Coonon and Sue Harris from South Elementary are two of the presenters. For questions or further information, you may contact them at 586-2850. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kindergarten News
October 18-22, 2010

Weekly Theme:

Five Senses

Box Tops
Please continue to send in box-tops. It is a great say for our school to earn money! We appreciate your help!


We have learned the letters A-O. We will continue with P and Q this week. Thank you for helping them form them correctly on their homework sheets. We have been doing quite a bit of writing in our class. The more kids write, the better writers they become. Research shows that kids who are good writers are usually good readers. Encourage your child to write grocery lists, make cards, write letters to their grandparents, etc. We have also been practicing “stretching out” words by listening for the sounds we hear in each word and writing down the sounds we can hear. Don’t worry that your child does not spell each word correctly—encourage them to (1) slowly say the word they want to write, (2) stretch out the word, (3) listen for each sound, (4) write down the sounds they know and (5) do their best!

Here is a head’s up for Halloween—we will have a classroom party on Friday, October 29th. Please do not have your child wear a costume on that day. We will have some snacks/treats and play some games. I try to keep the parties simple. If you signed up to bring something, I will send a reminder home a few days before the party.

I have had great attendance this year and appreciate you making school a priority! As always, please feel free to contact me anytime!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kindergarten News
October 11-15 2010

Weekly Theme:

Five Senses

Early Literacy Idea
Please continue to read with your child or have him/her read to you. Visit the library and enjoy a new variety of books.


We have learned the letters A-M. We will continue with N and O this week. Each student should be able to write both upper and lower case letters correctly as well as tell you the sound each one makes.

We have learned the sight words me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the. This week we will learn on, at.

We have been working on the numerals 0-10. Ask your child to name each one and write each one correctly as well.

Each child should also be able to identify a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. The rectangle is the one that is giving some of the student’s trouble.

Please encourage your child to write his/her first name with a capital for the first letter and all lower case for the rest. Thanks so much for your help at home. If they are receiving reinforcement from school and home, it is so much to their advantage! You are wonderful parents!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kindergarten News
October 4-8 2010

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
Play with letters! Magnetic letters are good for word play. Also, let your child trace letters in sand, salt, rice, etc. as they say the letters and sounds.

Please look over your child’s pre-assessment scores that will come home on Monday, October 4th in his/her homework folder. Keep in mind that this assessment was given five weeks ago. This year the guidelines have changed a little bit. We do not count reversals. This means that if your child writes a number backwards, for example, it is not counted as correct. You will notice a part on the assessment that says, FSF. This stands for First Sound Fluency. Your child is asked to tell the first sound he/she hears in a variety of words. It is timed for one minute. The goal for this time of year is 10. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I will gladly explain anything on the assessment that is unclear to you. You have wonderful children and it is exciting to see the growth they are making. Thanks for making a difference in their education!
