Friday, October 23, 2009

Kindergarten News
Oct.26-30, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Fluoride Swish
It is not too late to sign up for fluoride. If you would like your child to participate , send a note with your signature and I will make sure the people in charge receive that information. They are asking for a $3.00 donation for the year.


This week we will cover the letters R and S. Please ask your child to identify both the capital and lower case as well as tell you the sound these letters make. Please have them write each one correctly as well. We will add the sight word at. We will also do some Halloween activities and review the many things we have learned since school started. Please continue to help your child at home by asking him/her questions regarding the letters and sounds. For example, ask what sounds they hear in the word “frog”. What sound does it start with? What sound does it end with? Can you think of any words that rhyme with it?

We will have a Halloween party in our classroom on Friday, Oct. 30th. However, please do not have your child wear a costume to school. This is our school policy. We will have some snacks/treats in our classroom, but we will keep it simple. If you signed up to bring something, a reminder will come home in your child’s homework folder on Monday, Oct. 26th. Thank you for your help!

THANK YOU for bringing in box tops! The contest goes until Thanksgiving—each class has a goal to collect 800 box tops so please keep them coming!

As always please feel free to contact me anytime! I appreciate all you do to help with your child’s education!

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