Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 9-13, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans

Early Literacy Idea
Sing the alphabet song. Be creative—sing it in a rap, skip every other letter, sing it backwards, quietly or loudly.


This week we will cover the letters W and X and learn the sight words to, is, this. We will continue learning a poem for each of the letters A-Z. They are a lot of fun and help with memorization skills. The students are becoming great readers and writers! Thank you for your continued support at home. It is great to see the homework and reading books coming back on a consistent basis. You are wonderful parents. I am thrilled with the progress your children are making! As part of the testing for the 2nd quarter, the students are asked to recite their birthday, address and phone number. This is important information that each one needs to know but because it is so individualized, it is very difficult for me to teach. Please help your child with this. THANK YOU!

We will begin practicing recognizing and writing the numerals 11-20, simple addition and positional words (above, under, on, outside of, behind, in front of, and inside).
As it is getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket so we don’t loose them. There is a Lost and Found by the lunchroom if your child is missing one, please take a look and see if one belongs to you.

As always, please feel free to contact me anytime!

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