Friday, January 15, 2010

Kindergarten News
Jan. 18-22, 2010

Weekly Theme:
Penguins/Ocean Life/Whales

Thank you for sending box tops and Lin’s receipts with your children. It helps earn money for our school and is greatly appreciated!


I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! Your children are making great progress and I am thrilled with the things they are doing. Next month we will begin our third quarter assessment. Please make sure your child can write his/her last name. Also, it would be helpful if you could look over the kindergarten assessment and review any concepts your child did not master in the first and second quarters. Thank you for your support!

We have learned all twenty-five-kindergarten sight words and will now begin learning some first grade sight words. The students are required to read all twenty-five-sight words as part of the third quarter assessment. Please look on the assessment for the list of sight words. If you need another copy, please let me know. We will also continue reviewing numbers from 11-20, graphing, and simple addition. We will continue with lots of practice on writing with a capital, spaces between words and punctuation when writing sentences. We will also continue to work on rhyming words.

I appreciate all you do to help unsure a quality education for your student!

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