Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kindergarten News
November 29-Dec. 3, 2010

Weekly Theme:



Remember to encourage your child to write often! Have him/her write letters, stories, make cards, etc., using a capital at the beginning, spaces in between words, and putting a period at the end.


I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday! Thanks again for sharing your wonderful children with me. They are an impressive group!

Please remember to send the November reading calendar back with your child on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Thank you for reading with them! It is SO important and the benefits will last a lifetime!

Your child should be able to read the following sight words: me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the, on, at, and, in, up, to, my, this, is.

This week we will begin a unit on the December holidays observed in various cultures and will celebrate the diversity of holiday traditions around the world. If you have music, poetry, stories, etc. that are unique to your family or culture and you would like to come into the classroom and share any time before Christmas, it would be greatly appreciated. Just send a note, e-mail, or call me and we’ll make arrangements. THANKS!

Please feel free to contact me any time!

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