Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 24-28

Weekly Theme:

Ocean Life/Whales

Help your child develop comprehension skills:

• Talk with your child about the story and pictures
• Have your child predict what a story will be about
• Have your child retell the important parts of the story


We have enjoyed learning about Antarctica, winter and penguins. We will now begin studying whales and other sea mammals. Look for a stuffed whale to come home with your child this week. Ask him/her questions about the whale. You will be impressed with their knowledge!
The students are working hard in all areas of the curriculum. We are emphasizing the importance of always doing nice, neat work and taking their time to complete a task instead of rushing through it. This year is going by so quickly!

Thank you for making it so enjoyable and for helping your child have a successful year. Please continue reading with your child each night. Thank you for being diligent on helping with homework as well!

Have a wonderful week and thank you for all you do!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 24-28

Weekly Theme:

Ocean Life/Whales

Help your child develop comprehension skills:

• Talk with your child about the story and pictures
• Have your child predict what a story will be about
• Have your child retell the important parts of the story


We have enjoyed learning about Antarctica, winter and penguins. We will now begin studying whales and other sea mammals. Look for a stuffed whale to come home with your child this week. Ask him/her questions about the whale. You will be impressed with their knowledge!

The students are working hard in all areas of the curriculum. We are emphasizing the importance of always doing nice, neat work and taking their time to complete a task instead of rushing through it. This year is going by so quickly!

Thank you for making it so enjoyable and for helping your child have a successful year. Please continue reading with your child each night. Thank you for being diligent on helping with homework as well!

Have a wonderful week and thank you for all you do!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 17-21, 2011

Weekly Theme:
Penguins/Ocean Life/Whales

Please ask your child to tell you his/her address, phone number and birthday.


I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! I love to come to school and be around your fun, energetic children! They make me smile! We completed the DIBELS testing this week. The students are making great progress and are understanding important learning concepts that are vital in their future academic experiences. Thank you for making school a high priority! For the next two weeks, the students will be tested on the next portion of the Kindergarten Assessment. The concepts that have not already been on another blog entry include: addition up to five, graphing, reading at least ten kindergarten sight words, and writing a sentence using a capital, spaces in between words and ending with a period.

I wanted to make you aware of an attempted abduction that happened Wednesday at 1150 West 800 South. Two boys were delivering papers when a man in a dark blue truck pulled up next to them and offered them money to get in and go with him. A police report has been filed but just wanted to let you know so you can talk to your children and also be watchful of any future problems. THANK YOU!!

Have a great week and as always please call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 10-14, 2011

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write the names of the people in your family. Drawing pictures to go along with the names are fun too.


We had a great week back in school and the students are adjusting well after the long break. We will be reviewing skills in preparation for the next DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment. The skills include: letter recognition, beginning sounds, nonsense words (for example: ig, xup, taf) and segmenting words (for example: the tester says, “tell me each sound you hear in “hat and the students would say h/a/t. Each segment of the assessment is timed for fluency.

Also, please ask your child to name all of the letters (upper and lower case) and sounds of the alphabet, recognize and write the numerals 0-20, identify rhyming words (say two words—if they rhyme have your child put thumbs up, if they do not rhyme, put thumbs down) write first and last name.

Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience. You truly make a difference! Please call with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful week!

Kindergarten News
Jan. 10-14, 2011

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write the names of the people in your family. Drawing pictures to go along with the names are fun too.


We had a great week back in school and the students are adjusting well after the long break. We will be reviewing skills in preparation for the next DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment. The skills include: letter recognition, beginning sounds, nonsense words (for example: ig, xup, taf) and segmenting words (for example: the tester says, “tell me each sound you hear in “hat and the students would say h/a/t. Each segment of the assessment is timed for fluency.

Also, please ask your child to name all of the letters (upper and lower case) and sounds of the alphabet, recognize and write the numerals 0-20, identify rhyming words (say two words—if they rhyme have your child put thumbs up, if they do not rhyme, put thumbs down) write first and last name.

Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience. You truly make a difference! Please call with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful week!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 3-7, 2011

Weekly Theme:


Please ask your child to tell you his/her address, phone number and birthday.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE NICE GIFTS, CARDS, AND REMEMBRANCES! Happy New Year! I hope you had an enjoyable, relaxing, Christmas break. January will be a great learning time for us in Kindergarten! Thanks for your support at home. This week we will start a unit on Antarctica. It will be exciting to learn about this strange and beautiful place.

Remember that beginning this Wednesday we will meet at the following times:
AM Kindergarten
PM Kindergarten
THIS IS ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS FOR OUR EARLY OUT TIMES. The other days of the week stay the same. For our PM classes, PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YOUR STUDENT ARRIVE BEFORE 11:25. Due to our shortened lunchtime, there will not be supervision until 11:25. Thank you for your cooperation! Have a nice week and as always, please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kindergarten News
Dec. 13-17, 2010

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write a story—look for a capital at the beginning, spaces in between words and a period at the end.
This week we will learn more about the December holidays celebrated in various cultures. We will celebrate the diversity of holiday traditions celebrated around the world.

The State Board of Education mandates that Kindergarten students be in school for a minimum of two hours a day. On Wednesdays we do not quite meet that requirement so beginning on January 5th our classes will now meet during the following times:
AM Kindergarten
PM Kindergarten

The bus garage knows of this change and will still bring your students home accordingly. For our PM classes, PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YOUR STUDENT ARRIVE BEFORE 11:25. Due to our shortened lunchtime, there will not be supervision until 11:25. We will have the students come and hang up their backpacks, coats, etc. and begin school immediately. Thank you for your cooperation!

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday! Thanks again for all you do!