Monday, November 30, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 30- Dec. 4, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
When reading familiar stories to your child, try stopping once in a while and let him/her fill in what comes next in the story. This is a fun way to help with comprehension skills.


I hope you all had wonderful, relaxing holiday! Please remember to send the November reading calendar back with your child by Wednesday, December 2nd. Your child should have the December reading calendar in his/her homework folder. Thanks again for making reading a priority and for letting your children read to you and you read to them. Both are very important!
The 2nd Quarter Assessments are almost complete. Please look for the print out of your child’s results to come home next Monday in the homework folder. It is exciting to see the growth of your children. Thank you for your support at home. Please continue to work with them on address, phone number and birthday. Addresses are especially hard for them to learn—only a few knew their addresses, so please continue to help them and thanks for your persistence!
Have a great week! As always, please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns. Thanks for sharing your children with me. I enjoy each one of them!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 23-24, 2009

Weekly Theme:


This is a short week because of the Thanksgiving holiday. We will have our Thanksgiving party on Tuesday. Thanks again for those who volunteered to bring items. We have had fun learning about Native Americans and pilgrims and what life was like in early America. This week we will continue to discuss the many blessings we have to be thankful for. We will also learn the sight word it and practice recognizing and writing numbers 11-20.

The Box Tops contest will end on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Thank you to those who have sent box tops to help earn money for our school! The goal is 800 per class—we have a ways to go to reach that, but every bit helps so please continue to send them with your child even after the contest is over. Another prize is coming in March. Also, as you do your holiday shopping online, you can earn money for the school. There is a “box tops marketplace” website. Please check it out—we can earn up to 15%!

THANKS to those who have already sent items for the hygiene packets to send to the hurricane victims in Mexico. The final collecting day will be December 4th. You can send the items (soap bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wash clothes, standard combs, Ziploc gallon bags) any time with your child before that date. I will be collecting them in our room and take them to the office all together.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 16-20, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child understand how books work. As you read, point to words to show left to right, spaces between words, and word patterns.


This week we will cover the letters Y and Z. HOORAY, we made it to the end of the alphabet! This is a great accomplishment for these little ones! Make sure you look at their alphabet books and drawing books they will be bringing home. They are so excited to show you their awesome work! We will learn the sight words and, in.
We will have Centers this week, but because we are out Wednesday through Friday of the following week for the Thanksgiving holiday, we will not have them during that week.
If you signed up to furnish something for our Thanksgiving party, I will attach a reminder to your child’s homework packet on Monday. Our party is on Tuesday.
The Box Tops contest will end on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Thank you to those who have sent box tops to help earn money for our school! The goal is 800 per class—we have a ways to go to reach that, but every bit helps so please continue to send them with your child even after the contest is over. Another prize is coming in March. THANKS! Also, as you do your holiday shopping online, you can earn money for the school. There is a “box tops marketplace” website. Please check it out—we can earn up to 15%!
Thank you for all you do! Have a great week!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 9-13, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans

Early Literacy Idea
Sing the alphabet song. Be creative—sing it in a rap, skip every other letter, sing it backwards, quietly or loudly.


This week we will cover the letters W and X and learn the sight words to, is, this. We will continue learning a poem for each of the letters A-Z. They are a lot of fun and help with memorization skills. The students are becoming great readers and writers! Thank you for your continued support at home. It is great to see the homework and reading books coming back on a consistent basis. You are wonderful parents. I am thrilled with the progress your children are making! As part of the testing for the 2nd quarter, the students are asked to recite their birthday, address and phone number. This is important information that each one needs to know but because it is so individualized, it is very difficult for me to teach. Please help your child with this. THANK YOU!

We will begin practicing recognizing and writing the numerals 11-20, simple addition and positional words (above, under, on, outside of, behind, in front of, and inside).
As it is getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket so we don’t loose them. There is a Lost and Found by the lunchroom if your child is missing one, please take a look and see if one belongs to you.

As always, please feel free to contact me anytime!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 2-6, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Play “I Spy” using initial sound clues. For example, “I spy something that is yellow and starts with the sound /b/. (banana)

This week we will cover the letters T, U, and V. Please ask your child to identify both the capital and lower case as well as tell you the sound these letters make. Please have them write each one correctly as well. We will add the sight words up and go. We will also continue working on number recognition, matching numbers 0-10 and patterning.
If you haven’t already done so, please remember to fill out and send the October reading calendar back to school by Wednesday so your child can get the free pizza certificate. Reading is such a great way to help your child be successful in school! Our 2nd quarter assessments are coming up in less than a week. It will be exciting to see how much they have progressed since the beginning of the year. Thanks for your help at home as well!
Have a nice week and as always, please feel free to contact me any time!