Friday, December 11, 2009

Kindergarten News
Dec. 14-18, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write a story—look for a capital at the beginning, spaces in between words and a period at the end.


We are having a great time in kindergarten! I am excited about the progress each child continues to make. I am enjoying each one of them. Thanks for your support and help at home. The new sight word for this week is did.

This week we will also learn more about the December holidays celebrated in various cultures. We will celebrate the diversity of holiday traditions celebrated around the world.
Please have your child practice writing his/her last name. This is one of the requirements on the third quarter assessment, so if we start working on it now, each child will have it mastered!
Also, keep working on address, phone number and birthday if your child is unsure of these three things. Thanks again for your help!

Our classroom Christmas party will be on Friday. If you signed up to bring something, your child has a reminder inside his/her homework folder.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday break! Please contact me with any questions or concerns!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kindergarten News
Dec. 7-11, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Say a word and then ask your child to think of two or three words that rhyme with it. For example rock/sock/block/lock


It is hard to believe that December is here already! It is an exciting month for us at school. There will be many great things going on. If your family has a tradition/custom that you would like to share with our class in the month of December, we would love it! Just send a note or e-mail me and let me know.

The new sight words for this week are: you , am. We will continue working on recognizing and writing numbers 11-20, and writing stories. They are getting really great at remembering to start with a capital, use spaces in between words and end with a period. Let them show you!
Attached to the homework folder are your child’s 2nd Quarter Assessment results. It is exciting to see their progress! Please look it over and review any skills that have an /N/ by them. Reinforcement at home is very helpful. Of course we will continue working hard at school to master these concepts as well.

If you are missing items that your child brought to school and has not returned, please check the Lost and Found in the room next to the lunchroom. The custodians will be taking any items not picked up after Christmas to Deseret Industries. Please feel free to come and look for any lost items before that time.

Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 30- Dec. 4, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
When reading familiar stories to your child, try stopping once in a while and let him/her fill in what comes next in the story. This is a fun way to help with comprehension skills.


I hope you all had wonderful, relaxing holiday! Please remember to send the November reading calendar back with your child by Wednesday, December 2nd. Your child should have the December reading calendar in his/her homework folder. Thanks again for making reading a priority and for letting your children read to you and you read to them. Both are very important!
The 2nd Quarter Assessments are almost complete. Please look for the print out of your child’s results to come home next Monday in the homework folder. It is exciting to see the growth of your children. Thank you for your support at home. Please continue to work with them on address, phone number and birthday. Addresses are especially hard for them to learn—only a few knew their addresses, so please continue to help them and thanks for your persistence!
Have a great week! As always, please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns. Thanks for sharing your children with me. I enjoy each one of them!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 23-24, 2009

Weekly Theme:


This is a short week because of the Thanksgiving holiday. We will have our Thanksgiving party on Tuesday. Thanks again for those who volunteered to bring items. We have had fun learning about Native Americans and pilgrims and what life was like in early America. This week we will continue to discuss the many blessings we have to be thankful for. We will also learn the sight word it and practice recognizing and writing numbers 11-20.

The Box Tops contest will end on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Thank you to those who have sent box tops to help earn money for our school! The goal is 800 per class—we have a ways to go to reach that, but every bit helps so please continue to send them with your child even after the contest is over. Another prize is coming in March. Also, as you do your holiday shopping online, you can earn money for the school. There is a “box tops marketplace” website. Please check it out—we can earn up to 15%!

THANKS to those who have already sent items for the hygiene packets to send to the hurricane victims in Mexico. The final collecting day will be December 4th. You can send the items (soap bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wash clothes, standard combs, Ziploc gallon bags) any time with your child before that date. I will be collecting them in our room and take them to the office all together.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 16-20, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child understand how books work. As you read, point to words to show left to right, spaces between words, and word patterns.


This week we will cover the letters Y and Z. HOORAY, we made it to the end of the alphabet! This is a great accomplishment for these little ones! Make sure you look at their alphabet books and drawing books they will be bringing home. They are so excited to show you their awesome work! We will learn the sight words and, in.
We will have Centers this week, but because we are out Wednesday through Friday of the following week for the Thanksgiving holiday, we will not have them during that week.
If you signed up to furnish something for our Thanksgiving party, I will attach a reminder to your child’s homework packet on Monday. Our party is on Tuesday.
The Box Tops contest will end on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Thank you to those who have sent box tops to help earn money for our school! The goal is 800 per class—we have a ways to go to reach that, but every bit helps so please continue to send them with your child even after the contest is over. Another prize is coming in March. THANKS! Also, as you do your holiday shopping online, you can earn money for the school. There is a “box tops marketplace” website. Please check it out—we can earn up to 15%!
Thank you for all you do! Have a great week!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 9-13, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans

Early Literacy Idea
Sing the alphabet song. Be creative—sing it in a rap, skip every other letter, sing it backwards, quietly or loudly.


This week we will cover the letters W and X and learn the sight words to, is, this. We will continue learning a poem for each of the letters A-Z. They are a lot of fun and help with memorization skills. The students are becoming great readers and writers! Thank you for your continued support at home. It is great to see the homework and reading books coming back on a consistent basis. You are wonderful parents. I am thrilled with the progress your children are making! As part of the testing for the 2nd quarter, the students are asked to recite their birthday, address and phone number. This is important information that each one needs to know but because it is so individualized, it is very difficult for me to teach. Please help your child with this. THANK YOU!

We will begin practicing recognizing and writing the numerals 11-20, simple addition and positional words (above, under, on, outside of, behind, in front of, and inside).
As it is getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket so we don’t loose them. There is a Lost and Found by the lunchroom if your child is missing one, please take a look and see if one belongs to you.

As always, please feel free to contact me anytime!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kindergarten News
Nov. 2-6, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Play “I Spy” using initial sound clues. For example, “I spy something that is yellow and starts with the sound /b/. (banana)

This week we will cover the letters T, U, and V. Please ask your child to identify both the capital and lower case as well as tell you the sound these letters make. Please have them write each one correctly as well. We will add the sight words up and go. We will also continue working on number recognition, matching numbers 0-10 and patterning.
If you haven’t already done so, please remember to fill out and send the October reading calendar back to school by Wednesday so your child can get the free pizza certificate. Reading is such a great way to help your child be successful in school! Our 2nd quarter assessments are coming up in less than a week. It will be exciting to see how much they have progressed since the beginning of the year. Thanks for your help at home as well!
Have a nice week and as always, please feel free to contact me any time!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kindergarten News
Oct.26-30, 2009

Weekly Theme:

Fluoride Swish
It is not too late to sign up for fluoride. If you would like your child to participate , send a note with your signature and I will make sure the people in charge receive that information. They are asking for a $3.00 donation for the year.


This week we will cover the letters R and S. Please ask your child to identify both the capital and lower case as well as tell you the sound these letters make. Please have them write each one correctly as well. We will add the sight word at. We will also do some Halloween activities and review the many things we have learned since school started. Please continue to help your child at home by asking him/her questions regarding the letters and sounds. For example, ask what sounds they hear in the word “frog”. What sound does it start with? What sound does it end with? Can you think of any words that rhyme with it?

We will have a Halloween party in our classroom on Friday, Oct. 30th. However, please do not have your child wear a costume to school. This is our school policy. We will have some snacks/treats in our classroom, but we will keep it simple. If you signed up to bring something, a reminder will come home in your child’s homework folder on Monday, Oct. 26th. Thank you for your help!

THANK YOU for bringing in box tops! The contest goes until Thanksgiving—each class has a goal to collect 800 box tops so please keep them coming!

As always please feel free to contact me anytime! I appreciate all you do to help with your child’s education!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kindergarten News
Oct. 20-23, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Five Senses

Center Time
We are back on schedule for our ABC, Writing, Math, Art and Listening Centers. A big thanks to those who come each week to help!


This week we will cover the letters P and Q. Please ask your child to identify both the capital and lower case as well as tell you the sound these letters make. Let them show you how to write each one correctly as well. We will add the sight word on to our “We Can Read” board. They are doing great with the sight words and often hear them say, “Hey that is one of our sight words” when we are doing our shared reading or they are reading books by themselves.

We have also been working on writing in our class. The more kids write, the better writers they become. Research shows that kids who are good writers are usually good readers. Please encourage your child to write grocery lists, make cards, write letters, stories, etc. We have been practicing “stretching out” words by listening for the sounds in each word.

Here is a head’s up for Halloween—we will have a classroom party in our classroom on Friday, Oct. 30th. However, please do not have your child wear a costume to school. This is our school policy. We will have some snacks/treats in our classroom, but we will keep it simple. If you signed up to bring something, a reminder will come home in your child’s homework folder on Monday, Oct. 26th. Thank you for your help!

As always please feel free to contact me anytime! You are wonderful!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kindergarten News
Oct. 12-16, 2009

Weekly Theme:
Five Senses

Center Time
No Centers for the week of Oct. 12th -16th because of our Fall Recess. We will begin again on Tuesday, Oct. 20th. THANKS to those who are helping! Our first week was a success!


We have learned the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. We will continue with N and O this week. Your child should be able to correctly identify and write upper and lower case of each of these letters and tell you the sound each one makes. The sight words we have learned are: me, see, I, can, like, look, here. We have reviewed numbers 1-10 and each student should be able to tell you what each number is and write them correctly. Each child should also be able to identify a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. The rectangle is the one that is giving some of the students’ trouble. Please encourage your child to write his/her name with a capital for the first letter and all lower case for the rest.

We will travel to the bus garage to learn about bus safety on Tuesday, Oct. 20th. We will still have Centers that day, but will begin about five minutes early so we can make it back to school on time for our regular dismissal time. Please sign and return the permission slip your child will bring home on Monday in his/her homework folder.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kindergarten News
Oct. 5-9, 2009

Weekly Themes:

Center Time
We are excited to begin our Centers. THANKS again for those who have volunteered to help!


Thank you for your support and encouragement from home! We are having
a great time learning and I am enjoying each one of your children. Every one of them has something special to contribute to our class.
Thanks for reading with your child at home! Reading aloud to your child is fundamental to his/her learning to read and being excited about reading. Please continue to read daily (five nights a week) with your child for at least 15 minutes. Remember our goal is 300 minutes a month--which includes the books you read to them as well as what they read to you.
We are doing well with the collecting of box tops so thanks for your diligent cutting and sending of those! The kids are excited and we will all continue to try for the hot chocolate and donut party at the end of November. The goal is 800 per class.
You are amazing parents and are greatly appreciated! Have a fantastic week!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kindergarten News
Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009

Weekly Themes:

Center Time
We will begin our Centers on Oct. 5th. THANKS for those who signed up to help. I appreciate your weekly commitment! The schedule will come home with your child in his/her homework folder if you signed up to help. Please let us know of any changes that need to be made. THANKS AGAIN!

During SEP Week (August. 28-Oct. 2), we will not be having individual appointments for kindergarten students because of our assessments in August. However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that. Please just let me know. Remember that the students will be dismissed early, allowing me to more effectively plan and prepare our curriculum to meet the needs of your children. Students will be dismissed every day at 10:35 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students, even on Wednesday for that week. PM students attend from 12:45-2:30—NOT the usual 11:45-1:30. Extended Day students will stay until 2:30 as well.
The PTA will be doing the Book Fair during SEP Week. The hours are:
8:30-8:50 Monday-Friday
2:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday

Thanks again for your support and helping to make your child’s education a positive experience! Have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kindergarten News
Sept. 21-25, 2009

Weekly Themes:


Center Time
We will begin our Centers on Oct. 5th. THANKS for those who signed up to help. I appreciate your weekly commitment! I will send a list of those who signed up with your child next week to make sure I have the correct day. Please let me know of any changes that need to be made.

The Take-Home library (provided through the literacy center) has started. Your child should be bringing a “lap” book home for you to read to him/her. Please remember to initial the book title on the orange paper after you have read it.

During SEP Week (August. 28-Oct. 2), we will not be having individual appointments for kindergarten students because of our assessments in August. However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that. Please just let me know. Remember that the students will be dismissed early, allowing me to more effectively plan and prepare our curriculum to meet the needs of your children. Students will be dismissed every day at 10:35 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students, even on Wednesday for that week. PM students attend from 12:45-2:30—NOT the usual 11:45-1:30. Extended Day students will stay until 2:30 as well.

Your children are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with me! I am a firm believer that effective classroom management allows for optimal learning and parent/teacher communication is vital. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. Thanks for your support! 586-2850

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kindergarten News
Sept. 14th, 2009

Weekly Themes:


We are trying t o get as many families as possible registered at Smiths to earn money for our school. Please stop by the store and link your fresh values card with our school’s bar code. Smiths should have it in case you lost yours from our first meeting. Your child will receive a coupon for a free snow-cone at the Back-To-School Bash if you do it by Monday, Sept. 14th.


We have had another great week! Your child’s pre-assessment papers are in their homework folders. Please realize that parts of the assessment were completed before school began and that perhaps some of the skills that your child did not know when we first met have been mastered at this time.
Plan to attend the spectacular Back-To-School Bash sponsored by the PTA on Monday from 5:30-8:00 on the Southern Field of the school!

All students will be getting their picture taken for the yearbook on Tuesday, Sept. 15th, but if you want to purchase additional pictures, please send the picture packet information (that was sent home with your child) and money by Tuesday, Sept. 15th.

We will not start centers until the end of the month or the first part of October. We are getting our kindergarten routine down first and then we will let you know when we are ready for parent volunteers! THANKS for your help!

The reading calendars will come home beginning in October. Please continue to read with your child daily. It makes such a great difference in their school success!

This will be an exciting year of learning! It has been a pleasure to get to know you and your children! If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail us. 586-2850