Monday, November 8, 2010

Kindergarten News
November 8-12, 2010

Weekly Theme:

Native Americans

Early Literacy idea
Play “I Spy” using initial sound clues. For example, “I spy something that is green and starts with the sound /g/. (grass)


Thank you for your continued support at home. It is great that the homework and reading books come back consistently. You are wonderful parents. It is exciting to see the progress your children are making!

The students are becoming great readers and writers! We will continue to work on letters and sounds with V, W, and X. The sights words for this week are up, in, a. We will continue working on writing the numerals 0-10 and will also focus on recognizing and writing 11-20. Reversals are common at this age, but we are working hard at writing the numerals the correct way! Simple addition from 1-5 and graphing will also be introduced.

Just a reminder about green ribbon week sponsored by our wonderful PTA—your children are encouraged to wear their green wristbands every day this week. In addition, the following colors can be worn : Monday-green, Tuesday-yellow, Wednesday-red, Thursday-orange, Friday-purple. Healthy snacks will be provided each day to the class that has the most participation.
On the following Monday, please return your pledge sheets and money for the walk-a-thon. We are earning money for more playground equipment. A small prize will be given for returning the pledge sheets on time.

We are starting to get quite a collection of coats/jackets left at the school. Please remember to write the name of your student on their coats so we can tell whom they belong to. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!

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